Tuesday, November 20, 2007

A nightmare Holiday....

A recent event that happened to my good friend, Dennis who's managing a Euro Diver Center in the Maldives, and his parents have caused me great concerns. It's not possible anymore to live a law abiding life and be treated as so. When you are traveling now, there are so much more services that can make mistakes, which in turn may ruin your holidays, or worst, your life.

When checking in your luggage at the airport, do you ever stop to make sure that all of your tags are correct? and not an extra bag was added to your total checked luggage? How about having someone else handling your unlocked luggage from point A to B? Are comfortable with that?
With the paranoia started by Al Queda, and greatly supported by the US of A, the whole world now are freaking out about flying or transporting anything or anyone. It's too bad that life has come to all of us human beings mistrusting one another...

So, enjoy Dennis blog, learn from it and please remember to always question authority when you know that you are right, and hold the airline responsible for their carelessness or lack of customer service, especially in cases where mistakes are made from their mishandling!

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